#1 Bestseller: The Call to Freedom:
Heal Your Pain, Awakening Your Loving Presence
The LA Tribune called it a critically acclaimed “MUST READ”
#1 in the categories of: Spiritual Growth and Self Help; Parenting Emotions and Feelings; Inner child; Grief
A memoir from pain to LOVE and FREEDOM
What’s My Purpose?
After co-authoring 5 International Best Sellers, Diana offers her readers her medicine to answer The Call to Freedom, Heal deep wounds, access a state of loving presence no matter what is happening in life and find the answer to life’s deepest question: What is my Purpose?
The Call to Freedom is Diana’s very personal journey with all the plot twists that paved the way to heal her life of pain and suffering and create freedom and loving presence. Although disguised as Diana’s story, the spiritual and life coaching offered in this book applies to all healing and all readers because pain and trauma are universal, and healing is always awaiting your loving presence.
Through her powerful and authentic memoir, Diana holds your hand tenderly to encourage you to unleash your pain, heal the fragmented parts of you that leave you feeling incomplete, resentful, and stuck, and allow your love to become your purpose. Diana shares how she became the writer of the menu of her life and how you can begin to rewrite the menu of your life. We cannot always control what happens to us, but we can step into our soul maturity to transform our biggest breakdowns into tender, loving breakthroughs. This is truly a testimony to ‘doing the work’ in this lifetime and a guide to help you unlock your life to receive The Call To Freedom.
This was a 7 year labor of love that has finally found its path to completion. It could not have been written any earlier as life was being lived in his patient delivery.
This book was met with tragedy 2 weeks before launch as Diana’s friend, client and Book Designer perished in a fire. This book is now dedicated in memory of the beautifully creative Dania Zafar. 10% of all book proceeds will be donated to UNFDA Pakistan for gender equality, health, education and ending child marriages.
Chapter 10. Living with Surrendered presence
My mom received her angel wings on February 12, 2010, after a gentle and relatively quick surrender to brain and lung cancer. For the 6 months leading up to her passing on that gloomy February morning, my family and I decided to keep her home and took “shifts,” dropping into the role of her care provider for the 6 months preceding her passing. I bathed her, fed her, and shopped for her. I washed her hair and held her frail hand, worn from many years of unprocessed pain and betrayal. We sat and talked about life, often through tears of laughter and regret.
It was a physically and emotionally demanding experience as I lived 6 hours away, had a young family, and worked. My life became very scheduled—consisting of working for 6 days, caring for my young family, driving to my parent’s home, and spending 4-5 days caring for my mom. I would then have to commute the 6-hour drive back home and settle into my family/work routine… Just as I felt alive again, I would be driving back to care for her. The drive to her home was often a fist-clenching drive through winter storms trying to abort my mission. The drive home was equally treacherous, with my vision obstructed by my tears as I witnessed her losing her strength to live.
She passed away gently in the night with our family gathered in her home. I felt the relief that she no longer suffered and the agony of losing my Mommy. With her letting go of the reigns of life and death, my mother left me a legacy imprint of the gift of surrendering when nothing is left to hold onto.
“Surrender is not giving up on life; it is giving up on trying to control life.”
Order your copy now.
“A powerfully vulnerable account of the authors' life experiences, and her selfless pursuit to bestow her earned wisdom onto the healing process of others. I'm so thankful for this gift and the insight her words have on my own life and of others I get to recommend this to!”
“This is a truly captivating book that captures your attention from the very first words on the page. The author's incredible writing style immediately draws you in, leaving you eager to read on. As the author shares her life story, you'll find yourself experiencing moments of realization and questioning, ultimately leading to a powerful and unique guidance for personal growth and transformation.”
“The Call to Freedom is an inspiring and empowering book that will help readers overcome past traumas, find happiness, and live a fulfilling life. It is a must-read for anyone looking for guidance in healing their pain and finding true happiness.”
“Diana shares her hard-earned wisdom and spiritual practices to help anyone who is authentically committed to liberating themselves from existential pain.”