Happy Spring and I wish to begin my post today with a poem my Marianne Williamson:
May my mind stay centered on the things of spirit.
May I not be tempted to stray from love.
As I begin this day, I open to receive You.
Please enter where You already abide.
May my mind and heart be pure and true, and may I not deviate from the things of goodness.
May I see the love and innocence in all mankind, behind the masks we all wear and the illusions of this worldly plane.
In Ontario we are returning to a full “stay at home” order.  I want to acknowledge how difficult this remains for many people, myself included.  I have not seen my family in over 16 months. I have not seen my daughter in 9 months. Her partner has not seen his family in 17 months.  This is difficult.
As we acknowledge the challenges, it is important to remember that anything worth anything requires effort so let’s continue to do the deep work that is asked of us right now to hold the pose in this time of COVID…. Keep following the recommendations and know we will get through this together.
And please, please avoid recommending breaking the rules.  I have unfriended people who are posting encouragements for others to deny the closures.  Listen, if you are on social media, and you have a following, you are an influencer.  And yes you have freedom of beliefs and choices but please do not influence others publicly to deny the rules, especially if your posts do not have valid credibility.  Do your due diligence and be aware of your responsibility, your naivety and your influence.  Do the right thing.
I do not deny personal choices and beliefs. And, whatever you believe at this time, this virus is real. This is not written to instil fear but to give a hit of reality.  My father died and millions of others around the world have as well.  If you don’t believe in the necessity for this stay at home order, replace “my” father with “your father” and see how that lands (this is tough global responsibility love).

This is the time to choose
responsibility over rights
WE over me
Collaboration over everything else
We will get through this.  That I know.  I am in this with you all and taking responsibility for my health, my emotions and the health of my son who struggles with this last year where his family has separated and he has not seen other kids in 16 months other than a few social distance walks.  And, I recognize, there is an awakening happening in him through this roller coaster of emotions that he experiences, evidenced by the 3 questions he asked me the other night at 1:30 in the morning:

  1. “When will we return to normal?” – my response brought up fear for me “WE will never go back to normal”.. some of you may but WE will never… As our family has separated, we are moving and so we get to create a new normal and feel into the discomfort of that reality.  My fear eases when I soften into a knowing that this is a massive transformational time in the world, and in my life, and I continue to do the deep work to ensure that I am not simply going into spiritual bypass but feeling the deep and painful sensations and discomforts  while doing my daily practices to release these and transform with Grace.  


2. “What is the meaning of life?” My response: whatever you chose to assign to it.  Given these challenges and what you are being asked to do, this Covid pose that you are being asked to hold… how do you choose to experience this moment? And the next moment? And the next moment?  We always have choices to assign a different meaning  to our experiences

3. His third questions: “why are we here?” (yes, this is coming from a 14 year old).  My response: “To Love”.  That’s it…

So, in the next few weeks, ask yourself:

  • How is this transforming my life? (See if this brings up gratitude, if not, keep digging, feel the feels and do “the work” to stay steady or reach out for support as needed)

  • What meaning can I assign to my life right now (without bypass, know there is a choice – not in changing the situation but in changing how you relate to the situation we have all been given)

  • Given your next choice, can you choose love above all else? Love for yourself AND love for humanity.  SURVIVAL IS FEAR BASED – LOVE IS ROOTED IN THRIVE. And Life is not a plague, life is a privilege. How can you LOVE your life TODAY?

And, as always, breathe and everything changes
Thank you friends for continuing to hold the pose. To take care of yourself and your families. To reach out to support others.  If you need help, I’m right here.
With Love and deep appreciation,
Diana Lockett, M.Sc.,  E-RYT
Canada’s Only RE-Alignment Coach
Realign to Thrive™
PS: I continue to expand my reach of my messages via podcasts, radio interviews, summits and TV shows.  I will do my best to update the upcoming recordings. For this week, I want to bring you attention to 2 events:

  1. I have a new podcast interview called, How To Re-Align with Style on the podcast “Masks Off” airing on Thursday April 8th.  Here is the link https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/permission-slips/id1513846583?i=1000495383405

  2. AND....Don't miss out... Put this in your calendars… On Friday, April 9th at 1 pm EST, I will be interviewing Justin Michael Williams, a social justice, mindfulness and personal growth advocate who uses his music to serve globally as a beacon for hope.  This live interview will be on my Re-align to Thrive™ with Facebook Live Show: https://www.facebook.com/groups/416275576482609  

    If you want to hear a sample of Justin’s music, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09PD-dsvfsc

  3. I am offering a live webinar on Friday April 30th for BLOOM, an amazing organization offering support for people in their 50s + who are looking to continue to thrive in their lives. This conversation is on Relationships. Here is the link: https://home.hellobloomers.com/sessions/how-to-deepen-the-connection-with-yourself-for-healthier-relationships-with-others


Creativity is a mind, body, spirit experience


Your Golden Presence